IPsec Configuration
This section displays IPsec instances currently existing on the router. In order to begin editing an instance, click the button that looks like a pencil located next to it.

Tunnel name
Name of the tunnel. Used for easier tunnels management purpose only
Remote VPN endpoint
Domain name or IP address. Any means waiting for incomming connections
The type of the connection.
Key exchange
Method of key exchange, which protocol should be used to initialize the connection
Local subnet
Private subnet behind the left participant, expressed as network/netmask
Remote subnet
Private subnet behind the right participant, expressed as network/netmask
There are no IPsec configurations yet

Add new ipsec configuration
This section is used to create new IPsec instances. To add a new instance, enter a custom name for it and click the 'Add' button.

New Configuration Name
Name of the new IPSec configuration. Used for easier configurations management purpose only
New Configuration Name
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